
The Foreign Language Department's goal is to enhance the large repertoire our brilliant scholars and broaden their cultural awareness by engaging them in diverse social exchanges and experiences in the target language. Furthermore, upon completing their foreign language requirements, the SCECHS will possess as the foreign in language skills and competency to thrive in any local and global communities.
We teach so that students can:
Recognize and identify the elements and principles of art.
Develop skills in using the elements and principles of art.
Develop ideas, plan, and produce artwork using a variety of media, tools, and processes.
Identify and discuss the role of the arts in the workforce (careers)
Demonstrate the role of technology in art production, careers, and as a resource.
Identify major artists and artworks.
Use appropriate vocabulary through the making and critiquing of artwork.
Experiment with a variety of materials as a mode of expression.
Demonstrate proper care and safe use of tools and materials.